Thursday, February 18, 2016

"I'm outta time and all I got is 4 minutes (Fricki fricki)..."

Minute one: click and load the video below.
Minutes two through four: watch the stress busting meditation.

This video represents an emotion focused approach to stress management. Using this approach involves attempting to "manage one's emotions, e.g., by putting things in perspective, when one cannot  or chooses not to address the underlying source of the problem." (

Another stress management technique is problem focused, which involves "attempting to tackle a problem directly at its source, such as asking one's dormitory RA for a room change to escape a bothersome roommate."

Which technique do you gravitate towards? And how does it effect your purchasing decisions (For example, do you buy a stress ball or pay for yoga classes to manage your emotions? Or would you more likely invest in a single apartment to dissolve a roommate problem altogether?)

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