Sunday, April 10, 2016

Feng Shui [ fung • shway ]

In Chinese thought, feng shui is "a system of laws considered to govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of energy (qi), and whose favorable or unfavorable effects are taken into account when sitting and designing buildings." (Google Search) The concept of feng shui entered my mind while exploring JABS last week. The effective use of space, and flow of people through it, is a central idea in both the JABS assignment and the tradition of feng shui. As I conducted research on feng shui, I began to notice that the rules of feng shui are not dissimilar to environmental nudges utilized throughout JABS, and explained in "Nudge."

Learn 50 tips to make your classroom more "qi" here.

Last week in class we also had an enlightening class discussion about what makes a perfect personal study space. The were dichotomies between students who preferred familiar versus unfamiliar spaces, loud and busy versus quiet and empty places, and several other factors. Although, in my mind, there is no "right" answer to the question of a perfect study space, feng shui tradition presents us with an interesting spacial solution. Below is an image of a desk arranged in feng shui fashion, accompanied with a bagua map to explain the purpose of each color coded section.

According to the feng shui bagua map, each part of your working place corresponds to a different aspect of life. The characteristics and elements of each life aspect are outlined below. By properly harmonizing each of the bagua areas on your desk (or within your home), you will be harmonizing each area of your life. 

1. ABUNDANCE & PROSPERITY - "The back left corner of the desk represents prosperity. Target this space to attract money and abundance. It's a great place for a plant, but if your green thumb is more on the brown side, consider placing a valuable item in this corner. This could also be a good spot for a well-functioning computer."

2. FAME & REPUTATION - "Want more than 15 minutes in the spotlight? In the center back of the bagua map, you'll find the space for fame. Place business cards or a nameplate here. Cerrano also recommends motivational images that highlight who you are and your accomplishments (think your hard-earned diploma)."

3. LOVE & RELATIONSHIPS - "To find a little love today (or in the future), focus on the back right corner. Single? A fresh flower, which can bring luck and maybe even spark romance, goes here. Already have a special someone? Place a photo of the two of you here."

4. FAMILY & COMMUNITY - "Although it is a cliche desktop feature, a family photo, according to feng shui principles, fits well on the left center of the desk. A wood frame enhances the energy of this particular space."

5. MIND, BODY & SPIRIT - "Although a sitting desk doesn't do much for your health, there are a few ways to promote health even while working. Keep the center area of the desktop free of clutter to attract good energy to the area. In addition, Cerrano recommends taking short breaks throughout the day to reduce stress and maintain focus."

6. CREATIVITY & CHILDREN - "Boost creativity by adding inspiration to the right center of the grid. Aspiring writers place a journal or book here. A blank sketchbook would be idea for artists, while a metal object may work well for others. But really anything goes here - just be creative!"

7. WISDOM & SELF-AWARENESS - "Struggling to learn new material, or just want to be wise beyond your years? Focus on the front left corner of the desk. Place a reference book (or maybe a picture of Albert Einstein) here."

8. CAREER & LIFE PURPOSE - "Front and center is the career space - definitely appropriate for a desk. Keep this spot free of clutter. Cerrano suggests displaying affirmations or motivational quotes around the office; this would be a great place to stick one of those."

9. HELPFUL PEOPLE & TRAVEL - "If you are in need of a little help from your friends, focus on the front right section. This is a good spot to put a phone or an address book (do people use those anymore?). This area also represents travel, so a travel guide or a photo of a dream vacation locale would work well here." (Feng Shui: The Ultimate Guide for Designing your Desk for Success)

My (extremely broad) takeaway here? Keep your eyes on the prize, whatever that may be to you, and use environmental nudges to help you achieve your goals. Has anyone had positive or negative experiences using feng shui? I would love to hear about them...